© 2016 Oliver Hichisson

Tech Rehearsal

16/05/2016 – Tech day!


The tech rehearsal went very well today in terms of achieving the things I wanted to achieve. However, I had to compromise on some aspects and therefore, some adjustments were made, which may have reduced the efficacy of some of the elements. For instance, the Dorito drop section – which is done via the bucket and rope method shown previously – was unstable and possibly unreliable if the rope cord was given to an audience member to pull. Now I will be pulling the cord when I am lying on the floor, meaning the cord is visible for around half the show, and the audience will be able to see it attached to the bucket and anticipate the drop. However, I am content with this situation as the majority (if not all) of the audience are aware of the Dorito drop. If that were not the case I would be more uncomfortable with the compromise, but in this scenario (and with the limited time to find a better solution, as well as my own limited knowledge in rigging the mechanism) the slightly underwhelming outcome is absolutely fine with me.

(Clip from the Dorito drop test, where there is far less dust than there will be during the performance)

The separate lighting states were also made today. Before coming to the tech rehearsal I had thought of the three poems I recite as three chapters within the performance. To reflect this idea I wanted the three lighting states to alter, and drew from Dante’s epic poem The Divine Comedy. Therefore, I loosely picture the lighting and stage as the three chapters of the poem, beginning in Heaven (Paradiso), shifting to Hell (Inferno) then finally ending in Purgatory (Purgatorio). I realise that ending in purgatory runs counter to theological belief system, but there are reasons for this, which I will explain in greater detail in my post show blogs…

I am very happy with the projections and video, which I believe are a great addition to the show. The evangelist videos are projected on the wall to the audience’s left, taking almost the whole space – giving a more oppressive effect than if they were smaller (though this is likely undermined by the ridiculousness of the clips).

(Here is a short section of one of the video clips)

Unfortunately I was unable to get a full run of my show today, so will be doing that tomorrow morning, just before the actual performance. Needless to say, I hope it goes smoothly.

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